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Madras University 1957
December 31, 1957

Madras University 1957

A commemorative postage stamp on the University of Madras, 3rd oldest Indian university after Calcutta and Mumbai [part of the series ‘Centenary of Indian Universities‘] : Issued by India Issued on Dec 31, 1957 Type : Stamp, Postal Used Colour : Single colour Denomination :
  • 265
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  • 2
Calcutta University
December 31, 1957

Calcutta University

A commemorative postage stamp on the University of Calcutta (CU), first institution in Asia established as a multidisciplinary and secular Western-style university, founded by Alexander Duff [part of the series ‘Centenary of Indian Universities‘] : Issued by India Issued on Dec 31, 1957 Type : Stamp, Postal
  • 360
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  • 22
Bombay University
December 31, 1957

Bombay University

A commemorative postage stamp on the University of Mumbai (MU), oldest university in Maharashtra [part of the series ‘Centenary of Indian Universities‘] : Issued by India Issued on Dec 31, 1957 Type : Stamp, Postal Used Colour : Single colour Denomination : 10 naya paisa
  • 318
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  • 11
India on Children’s Day 1957
November 14, 1957

India on Children’s Day 1957

Complete Set of 3 nos of commemorative postage stamps on the national children’s day 1957 : Child Welfare Movement : Nutrition, Recreation and Education : Issued by India Issued on Nov 14, 1957 Picture : 8 np – Boy Eating Banana (Nutrition), 15 np – Girl writing on tablet
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Campionatele Internationale de Atletism Bucuresti 1957
September 14, 1957

Campionatele Internationale de Atletism Bucuresti 1957

Complete Set of 3 nos of commemorative postage stamps on the International Athletic Meet, Bucharest : Issued by Romania Issued on Sep 14, 1957 Issued for : The International Athletic Meet held at Bucharest, Romania in 1957. Picture : 20 b – Jumper and Dove, 55 b – Javelin thrower and bison and 1.75 l – Runner and stag. Colour
  • 239
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Carpathian Mountain Flower
June 22, 1957

Carpathian Mountain Flower

Complete Set of 8 nos of commemorative postage stamps on the Carpathian Mountain Flower : Issued by Romania Issued on Jun 22, 1957 Issued for : The Carpathian Mountain Flower Picture : Different types of Carpathian Mountain Flower : 5 b – Rhododendron Hirsutum, 10 b – Daphne Blagayana, 20 b – Lilium Bulbiferum L., 35 b – Leontopodium Alpinum, 55 b –
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USSR on Ice Hockey World Championship 1957
February 24, 1957

USSR on Ice Hockey World Championship 1957

Complete Set of 3 nos of commemorative postage stamps on 23rd Ice Hockey World Championship, Moscow : Issued by Russia Issued on Feb 24, 1957 Type : Postal Used Subject : 23rd Ice Hockey World Championship, Moscow About :  a set of 3 stamps consists
  • 234
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