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Justice Mehr Chand Mahajan

Justice Mehr Chand Mahajan

A commemorative postage stamp on Mehar Chand Mahajan, 3rd Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India : Issued by India Issued on Dec 31, 2017 Issued for : Department of Posts is pleased to release a Commemorative Postage Stamp on Justice Mehr Chand Mahajan.
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Dr. Laxmi Mall Singhvi

Dr. Laxmi Mall Singhvi

A commemorative postage stamp on Laxmi Mall Singhvi, High Commissioner for India in United Kingdom (1991-97), father of Abhishek Manu Singhvi : Issued by India Issued on Dec 8, 2008 Issued for : Department of Posts is happy to issue a commemorative postage stamp on Dr. Laxmi
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Nani A. Palkhivala

Nani A. Palkhivala

A commemorative postage stamp on the Birth Anniversary of Nanabhoy Palkhivala, an Indian jurist and economist : Issued by India Issued on Jan 16, 2004 Issued for : The Department of Posts honours this outstanding citizen through the release of a
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Sir William Jones

Sir William Jones

A commemorative postage stamp on the 250th Birth Anniversary of Sir William Jones, an Anglo–Welsh philologist, proponent of relationship theory among Indo-European languages : Issued by India Issued on Sep 28, 1997 Issued for : The Department of Posts is pleased to release a special commemorative postage stamp
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Nanalal Dalpatram Kavi

Nanalal Dalpatram Kavi

A commemorative postage stamp on the Birth Centenary of Nhanalal Dalpatram Kavi, pioneer of modern Gujarati Poetry : Issued by India Issued on Mar 16, 1978 Issued for : Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department feels privileged to bring out a commemorative postage stamp in honour of this great
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