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Dinshaw Mehta

Dinshaw Mehta

A commemorative postage stamp on Dr. Dinshaw Mehta, personal physician of Mahatma Gandhi and founder of National Institute of Naturopathy [a part of the series ‘Master Healers of AYUSH Systems of healthcare‘] : Issued by India Issued on Aug 30, 2019 Issued for : Department of
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Hakim Abdul Aziz Lakhnavi

Hakim Abdul Aziz Lakhnavi

A commemorative postage stamp on Mohammad Abdul Aziz Lakhnawi, a Puritan Unani Physician [a part of the series ‘Master Healers of AYUSH Systems of healthcare‘] : Issued by India Issued on Aug 30, 2019 Issued for : Department of Posts is pleased to issue Commemorative Postage
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Yadav Ji Trikam Ji Acharya

Yadav Ji Trikam Ji Acharya

A commemorative postage stamp on Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, author of Dravyaguna Vijnana [a part of the series ‘Master Healers of AYUSH Systems of healthcare‘] : Issued by India Issued on Aug 30, 2019 Issued for : Department of Posts is pleased to issue Commemorative Postage
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Krishna Gopal Saxena

Krishna Gopal Saxena

A commemorative postage stamp on K.G. Saxena, an Indian homoeopathic physician [a part of the series ‘Master Healers of AYUSH Systems of healthcare‘] : Issued by India Issued on Aug 30, 2019 Issued for : Department of Posts is pleased to issue Commemorative Postage Stamps to
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K. Raghavan Thirumulpad

K. Raghavan Thirumulpad

A commemorative postage stamp on Vaidyabhooshanam K. Raghavan Thirumulpad, an Ayurvedic scholar and physician from Kerala [a part of the series ‘Master Healers of AYUSH Systems of healthcare‘] : Issued by India Issued on Aug 30, 2019 Issued for : Department of Posts is pleased to
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Hakim Mohammad Kabiruddin

Hakim Mohammad Kabiruddin

A commemorative postage stamp on Hakeem Mohammad Kabiruddin, an academician of Unani Medicine [a part of the series ‘Master Healers of AYUSH Systems of healthcare‘] : Issued by India Issued on Aug 30, 2019 Issued for : Department of Posts is pleased to issue Commemorative Postage
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