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 Chhath Festival

Chhath Festival

A commemorative postage stamp on Chhath, an ancient Hindu festival [a part of the Culture Series] :

Kartik Shukla Shashthi : Worship of Sun God (Surya)Issued by Nepal

Issued on Dec 31, 2009

Issued by :
Nepal Philatelic Bureau
Sundhara, Kathmandu, Nepal

Designer : Mohan N. Rana

Type : Stamp, Postal Used

Denomination : Rs. 5

Colour : Four Colors with Phosphor print

Size : 31.5 mm x 42.5 mm

Format : Horizontal

Paper : High Quality Stamp Paper

Quantity : 2 Million

Sheet Composition : 50 Stamps each sheet

Process : Offset Lithography

PrinterCartor Security Printing, France

About : 

  • The Sun god is worshipped in the Chhath Festival. Creation cannot be imagined without Sun. Sun has been discerned on its importance since Vedic period. Women take part on Kartik Sukla Khasthi for Chhathi Mata at this festival. They take fasting the whole day and offer Jala (water) to Sun in the second day to Sun in the morning. Then after they take rice and women stand in the water with fruits and bread to offer water to Sun before it rises. It is believed that women who take part on this festival will have bestowed son and live long. It is the ceremony to offer water to Sun, therefore it is celebrated in the pond and river bank. This festival is celebrated specially in Janakpur, Siraha, Saptari, Parsa etc. But since a few years it has been a great attraction in Kathmandu also.
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October 18, 2023 8:29 pm

[…] of Bihar and Jharkhand. It is Sweet to taste, crunchy and crusty. Thekua is prepared especially for Chhath puja for offering to […]

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