Sri Sri Borda
A commemorative postage stamp on the Birth Centenary of Sree Sree Barda Amarendranath Chakravarty, son of Sree Sree Thakur Anukul Chandra Chakravarty, founder of Satsang :
Issued on Dec 6, 2010
Issued for : India Post is happy to issue a commemorative postage stamp on Sri Sri Borda.
Credits :
Stamp/FDC/Cancellation : Nenu Gupta
Type : Stamp, Mint condition
Colour : Multi colour
Denomination : 500 Paise
Stamps Printed : 2.0 Million
Printing Process : Photogravure
Printer : India Security Press, Nashik
Name : Amarendranath Chakravarty (Borda)
Born on Nov 21, 1911 at Himayetpur, Pabna, Bengal Province, India [now in Bangladesh]
Died on Aug 5, 1994
About :
- Sri Sri Amarendranath Chakravarty popularly known as Sri Sri Borda was born on 21st November 1911 at Himayetpur, in Pabna district of Bengal province, now in Bangladesh to Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra and Smt. Jagat-Janani Sree Sree Shorashibala Devi.
- His father was regarded as a prophet by his followers, devotees and disciples. People from all walks of life accepted him as the philosopher and guide of their life. Out of their common love, emotional attachment and active adherence to him there evolved a society rising above provincialism, secularism, communalism and parochialism – thus converging into one common brotherhood and peaceful co-existence. This association is called Satsang – the community of the lovers of existence. There is only one God and that every single being is the child of God.
- In those holy surroundings, the young Amarendranath Chakravarty was grew up and inherited legacy of his father. Thoroughly ascetic and saintly, with an extremely practical outlook to life, he fulfilled the wishes of his father by taking his noble mission forward to bring solace to suffering humanity.
- He guided the movement of Satsang in such a way that the void caused by the physical absence of Sree Sree Thakur was filled up. He established thousands of Centres. The centres help people to develop their socio-economic and cultural conditions. He collected money and material for the development of education, for the treatment of the sick, for better cultivation and farming, and for rural development by constructing roads, planting trees etc.
- He raised a volunteer force called Swasti Sevak Vahini by drafting youths and taught them to maintain social peace, harmony and to provide necessary service to the people. A de-addiction centre for the drug addicted was opened where thousands of people are treated. He made the Ashram Hospital give free medical treatment to the needy and destitute. Artificial limbs to the handicapped are being distributed free of cost. In the free community kitchen thousands are fed.
- He was ever ready to come to the aid anyone who needs it. With his sympathetic attitude he endured the weak and the wicked; encouraged the daunted and the destitute. He consoled the aggrieved, relieved and the sufferers held up the fallen and led them to the light of life.
- Never running after name, fame and riches, he served the ideal with head and heart. He established more than five thousands Satsang Centres in India and abroad for the all-round welfare of humanity. He activated over twenty thousand preaching-workers to assist and guide millions of his followers.
- He passed away on 5th August 1994 leaving behind a well-knit spiritual ‘Satsang’, endowed with his wisdom and love.
- Text : Based on material provided by the proponent.