India on 60 years of Commonwealth
A commemorative postage stamp on 60 years of the Commonwealth (Rashtramandal) :
Issued by India
Issued on Nov 13, 2009
Issued for : India has worked in the Commonwealth to promote the common values of democracy and good governance and has shared technical expertise with other members. The 60th anniversary of the modern Commonwealth is being celebrated by the Government of India in several ways. The release of a commemorative stamp and first day cover by the Department of Post, Government of India is a part of these celebrations. India is committed to continue working for the consolidation and strengthening of the Commonwealth in the years to come.
Credits :
Stamp & FDC : Brahm Prakash
Cancellation : Alka Sharma
Type : Stamp, Mint Condition
Colour : Multi colour
Denomination : 500 Paise
Stamps Printed : 0.8 Million
Printing Process : Wet–offset
Printer : India Security Press, Nasik
About :
- In April 1949, Heads of State from Australia, Britain, Ceylon, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa and the Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs met and deliberated in London which resulted in the London Declaration of 26 April 1949 heralding the beginning of the modern Commonwealth. In this Declaration the Commonwealth member countries committed themselves to work together in partnership and as equals towards a shared future. Speaking about India‘s decision to join the Commonwealth, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, India‘s first Prime Minister, had said in, 1949 : “It is necessary that we touch upon the world’s problems, not with passion and prejudice but in a friendly way and with a touch of healing. We have begun this new association with a touch of healing“.
- In the 60 years, the Commonwealth has grown from 8 members in 1949 to become a unique association of 53 independent states, consulting and co-operating in the common interests of their peoples, and in the promotion of international understanding. The creation of the Commonwealth Secretariat in 1965 and the ever expanding number of professional and advocacy Commonwealth organisations reflects growing relevance and strength of the Commonwealth.
- The atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding in which the Modern Commonwealth was formulated is the foundation of its success. The Commonwealth balances today’s realities with pragmatic and positive approach. Nearly two billion people now live in the Commonwealth; half of them are under 25 years of age. In recognition of the enormous contribution they make in their countries, the Commonwealth theme for 2009 is ‘the commonwealth@60 – serving a new generation‘.
- India comprises nearly 60% of the total population of the Commonwealth. It is one of the largest contributor of finance and technical expertise to Commonwealth programmes and initiatives. India is an active participant in major Commonwealth associated bodies and organisations, including the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation, the Commonwealth Connects Programme, the Committee on Terrorism, Commonwealth Advisory Board on Sports, Commonwealth Foundation as well as the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Board of Governors, India has hosted several major Commonwealth events such as the 2007 Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference, the 2008 Commonwealth Youth Games in Pune, the Commonwealth Games in October 2010.
- Text: Courtesy Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India.