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A commemorative postage stamp on Ekalavyaa young prince of the Nishada Kingdom from the epic Mahabharat :

एकलव्य : महाभारतIssued by India

Issued on Dec 27, 2013

Issued for : Department of Posts is happy to issue a Commemorative Postage Stamp on Eklavya.

Credits :
/FDC : 
Anuj Kumar
Cancellation : Alka Sharma

Type : StampMint Condition

Colour : Multi colour

Denomination : 500 Paise

Stamps Printed : 0.31 Million

Printing Process : Wet Offset

Printers : India Security Press, Nashik

Name : Ekalabya

About : 

  • Eklavya was the son of Vyatraj Harinyadhanu, a soldier in the army of Jarasandha, King of Magadha. The relations between Magadha and Hastinapur were not friendly at that time. Eklavya wanted to learn archery in the Gurukul of Dronacharya who was appointed by the royal family of Hastinapur to teach martial arts to the young Kaurava and Pandav princes. Eklavya, therefore, went to meet Dronacharya. Although, Dronacharya was impressed by young Eklavya’s sincere desire he turned him away on finding out that Eklavya was not of a high caste.
  • Eklavya returned home deeply hurt but he was still resolute. He made a statue of Dronacharya and accepted him as his Guru. He practiced in front of the statue every single day and years of discipline nurtured him into an archer of exceptional prowess.
  • On amavasya night, when there was complete darkness, Eklavya sewed the mouth shut of a wild barking dog which was disturbing everyone’s sleep in the forest by firing arrows in rapid succession. That night Dronacharya and his pupils had come for hunting in the same forest and were astounded to see such a feat. On searching the forest, they met a young man who introduced himself as a student of Dronacharya. Surprised at such a declaration Dronacharya refuted his claim. Eklavya then led him to the statue. Dronacharya was surprised to see his own statue.
  • Dronacharya seized the opportunity to ask Eklavya for his right thumb as gurudakshina. Eklavya gave away his thumb to his guru and ruined his ability as an archer. Dronacharya thus fulfilled his ambition to protect the superiority of Arjuna.
  • Eklavya learned to shoot with four fingers and left hand. He has been hailed as a mighty warrior and worked as a confidant of King Jarasanda.
  • Text : Based on the text furnished by the proponent.
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