Surakshit Jayen Prashishit Jayen
A commemorative postage stamp on ‘Surakshit Jayen Prashikshit Jayen – Go Safe and Go Trained’ :
Issued by India
Issued on Jan 9, 2023
Issued for : Department of Posts is pleased to issue a Commemorative Postage Stamp on ‘Surakshit Jayen Prashikshit Jayen – Go Safe and Go Trained’ to further intensify the campaign of the Ministry of External Affairs on Safe and Legal Migration.
Credits :
Stamps/FDC/Brochure/Cancellation Cachet : Mrs. Nenu Gupta
Type : Stamp, Mint Condition
Colour : Multi Colour
Denomination : 500 Paise
Stamps Printed : 266600
Printing Process : Wet Offset
Printer : Security Printing Press, Hyderabad
About :
- With the rise of fraudulent and illegal migration, Ministry of External Affairs has been making constant efforts to educate migrants about the perils of illegal channels. Illegal migrants may be forced to live a wretched existence in the target country through illegal channels because they will be unable to legitimately enroll in any assistance or protection systems introduced by GOI. Instead, they will be subjected to harsh, insecure, and unpleasant living situations, as well as a significant danger of being exploited by unlawful employers who may force them to accept flexible work schedules at low rates and in hazardous working conditions. As a result, international migration has become centered on the necessity for both safe and trained migration.
- Given our robust demographic dividend and rapidly changing global economic world order, Ministry of External Affairs has also been working on various activities such as aligning e-Migrate portals with other Ministries in India as well as Governments of host countries for skilling and mapping overseas opportunities and promoting legal migration to boost the Indian workforce’s sustainable employment ecosystem and entrepreneurship opportunities. The Ministry has also been coordinating with a number of State governments and stakeholders to disseminate information on the Indian Diaspora and overseas employment opportunities.
- With an aim of promoting safe and legal migration as well as overseas career prospects, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has launched the ‘Surakshit Jayen Prashikshit Jayen – Go Safe, Go Trained’ campaign to raise awareness and facilitate safe and legal migration. The goal of this campaign is to raise public awareness about the importance of using safe and legal channels while travelling for job so that well-informed migrants will be able to seamlessly integrate and have a safe and productive stay abroad. This motto has earlier been widely publicized through awareness generation workshops and Pre-Departure Orientation & Training (PDOT) imparted to the prospective migrants.
- To give a further impetus on visibility of Ministry’s unique campaign, a Postal Stamp with a tagline on Surakshit Jayen Prashikshit Jayen is being released on the occasion of the 17th PBD Convention at Indore, Madhya Pradesh on 8-10 January 2023 to maximize the visibility among the prospective migrants. It is anticipated that the Stamp release will generate much needed awareness for promoting safe and legal migration and overseas employment opportunities.
- Text : Referenced from content provided by Ministry of External Affairs.