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India on Telephone Services 1982

India on Telephone Services 1982

A commemorative postage stamp on 100 years of the Telephone Services : Issued by India Issued on Jan 28, 1982 Issued for : Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department is privileged to issue a special postage stamp to commemorate the 100 years of telephone services in the country.
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Japan on Telephone Automation
March 14, 1979

Japan on Telephone Automation

A commemorative postage stamp on the Nation-wide Completion of Telephone Automation in Japan : Issued by Japan Issued on Mar 14, 1979 Issued for : To commemorate the total automation of telephones in Japan, a postage stamp was issued. The automation of telephones was set on foot in
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India on Committee on International Radio (CCIR)
January 21, 1970

India on Committee on International Radio (CCIR)

A commemorative postage stamp on the XIIth Plenary Assembly of Consultative Committee on International Radio (C.C.I.R.), one of the permanent organs of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) : Issued by India Issued on Jan 21, 1970 Issued for : India is proud to play host to this Assembly which is meeting
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