India on Children’s Day 1961
A commemorative postage stamp on National Children‘s Day 1961 : Vocational Training :
Issued on Nov 14, 1961
Issued for : The Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department is once again glad to join in these celebrations which have such a laudable objective.
Design : This special stamp, which is being issued on November 14, 1961, seeks to bring out this theme. It shows a boy working at a lathe in an institution in Bombay. Such vocational training for children is intended to help them to became worthy citizens of the country.
Type : Stamp, Postal Used
Colour : Dark Brown
Denomination : 15 nP.
Size : 3.34 x 2.88 cms.
Perforation : 13½ x 14
Watermark : All over multiple “Lion Capital of Asoka“
Number printed : 2.5 million
Set : 42 stamps per issue sheet
Printing Process : Photogravure
Printed at : India Security Printing Press, Nasik Road
About :
- The Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department has been issuing special postage stamps on Children’s Day on November 14 every year since 1957.
- Children’s Day is celebrated throughout the country with great enthusiasm and has helped to focus attention on the problems of child welfare which is given an important place in the country’s plans for economic and social development.
- The postage stamps issued on these annual occasions bring out the theme of each year’s celebrations, which is announced by the Indian Council of Child Welfare.
- The theme of this year’s celebrations, as intimated by the international union of child welfare, Geneva is : “Social services for children, especially adequate protective work, safeguard the community from delinquency and maladjustment“.
Children’s day in our olden days we celebrated with diginity , a happy day of freedom.. But today it seems as if classified inbetween. I feel the real meaning is lost.