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Archaeological Survey of India 1961
December 14, 1961

Archaeological Survey of India 1961

Complete set of 2 nos of commemorative postage stamps on the Centenary of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), founded by Alexander Cunningham in 1861 : Issued by India Issued on Dec 14, 1961 Type : Stamps, Postal Used Colour : Multi colour Denomination : 15 & 90 nP
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Scientific Forestry in India
November 21, 1961

Scientific Forestry in India

A commemorative postage stamp on the Centenary of the Indian Scientific Forestry : Issued by India Issued on Nov 21, 1961 Issued for : The Posts and Telegraphs Department is glad to join in commemorating an event that focuses attention on a vital aspect of India‘s development. Design
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Indian Industries Fair, 1961
November 14, 1961

Indian Industries Fair, 1961

A commemorative postage stamp on the Indian Industries Fair 1961, New Delhi : Issued by India Issued on Nov 14, 1961 Issued for : The Indian Posts & Telegraph Department is commemorating the inauguration of the fare by the issue of a special postage stamp. Design
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India on Children’s Day 1961
November 14, 1961

India on Children’s Day 1961

A commemorative postage stamp on National Children‘s Day 1961 : Vocational Training : Issued by India Issued on Nov 14, 1961 Issued for : The Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department is once again glad to join in these celebrations which have such a laudable objective. Design : This
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Pakistan on Co-operative Day 1961
November 4, 1961

Pakistan on Co-operative Day 1961

Complete set of 2 nos. of commemorative postage stamp on the Cooperative Day : Each for All and All for Each : Issued by Pakistan Issued on Nov 4, 1961 Design : The Co-operative Day Commemoratives show a bouquet of ten roses
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Gold medals in Olympics
October 30, 1961

Gold medals in Olympics

Complete Set of 6 nos of commemorative postage stamps on Romania’s gold medals in 1956, 1960 Olympics : Issued by Romania Issued on Oct 30, 1961 Issued for : The Gold Medals won by Romania in 1956, 1960 Olympics Picture : Gold Medals : 10 b – Boxing, 35 b – Pistol shooting,
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Marile Aniversari Culturale 1961

Marile Aniversari Culturale 1961

Complete Set of 6 nos of commemorative postage stamps on the Great Personalities of the World : Issued by Romania Issued on Oct 25, 1961 Issued for : Protraits of Some of the Great Personalities of the World Picture : 10 b – Heraclitus, 20 b – Francis Bacon, 40 b – Rabindranath Tagore, 55 b – Domingo
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Fairy Tales
October 10, 1961

Fairy Tales

Complete Set of 6 nos of postage stamps on the Fairy Tales : Issued by Bulgaria Issued on Oct 10, 1961 Picture : Different Fairy Tales :- 2 s – The Golden Girl, 8 s – The Living Water, 12 s – The Golden Apple, 16 s – Krali–Marko, Hero,
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Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhande

Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhande

A commemorative postage stamp on the 101st Birth Anniversary of Pandit V. N. Bhatkhande, an Indian musicologist, wrote 1st modern treatise on Hindustani classical music : Issued by India Issued on Sep 1, 1961 Designed by : Staff Artists of the India Security Press Type
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