Government College, Lahore
A commemorative postage stamp on the 125 Years of Government College University, Lahore (1864–1989) :
Issued by Pakistan
Issued on Dec 21, 1989
Issued for : To commemorate 125th Anniversary of Government College, Lahore, Pakistan Post Office is issuing a stamp of Rs. 6/- denomination on December 21, 1989.
Artist : Naseeruddin Sheikh
Type : Stamp, Postal Used
Denomination : Rs. 6/-
Colour : Multi Colour
Size of Stamp : 51 x 35 mm
Size of Print : 47 x 31 mm
Perforation : 13C
Paper : 102 gsm dual purpose coated PVA gum
Quantity : 3 Million
Number of stamps in a sheet : 56 stamps (8 x 7 rows)
Process of Printing : Litho Offset
Printer : Pakistan Security Printing Corporation
About :
- Government College, Lahore is a premier institution of South Asia and the oldest seat of higher learning in Pakistan. It was established in 1864 in a portion of Raja Dhyan Singh’s Haveli inside Lahore city and shifted to its present premises in 1876. The College began with 9 students and the number rose to 101 in 1876. It was initially affiliated to the Calcutta University but this association could not last long. Its great distance created a host of academic problems for the College and compelled Dr. Leitner, the then Principal, to strive for a University at Lahore. As a result of his vigorous efforts the University of the Punjab was established in 1882. Today, Government College, Lahore imparts instructions to Intermediate & Degree classes, runs 14 research oriented post graduate departments, has 3500 students on its rolls and a teaching staff of 235 members.
- Dr. G. W. Leitner was the first Principal and served the college for 22 years. Before 1947 almost all its worthy Principals came from the British Isles. After Independence, this post has been held by such men of eminence and culture as Prof. A. S. Bokhari, Prof. U. Karamat, Prof. Siraj–ud–Din, Khawaja Manzoor Hussain and Dr. Nazir Ahmed.
- Since its early years the College has enjoyed a wide reputation for its academic and cultural excellence. Year after year its boys have topped the list of the Board & University Examinations and established a tradition of scholarship that is hard to excel. Apart from this, the College has served as one of the most active and productive nurseries for sportsmen, poets, actors, speakers and artists and provided the nation with some of the finest professionals in almost all walks of life. Some of its gifted alumni Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Faiz Ahmed Faiz and Dr. Abdus Salam have won world-wide recognition for their great achievements.
- The main building of the College is a magnificent edifice and reflects the Gothic style of architecture. It is a splendid synthesis of beauty and solidarity; elaborate design and massiveness of structure. With its rich overall visual effect, Government College, Lahore stands out as a conspicuous land mark in the topography of Lahore.
- 1989 is a year of great significance for the college. This year it celebrates the 125th Anniversary of its eventful career. The year 1989 also marks the attainment of a long-cherished goal – namely, the grant of an autonomous status for the College.
- Government College, Lahore is an institution of recognised national distinction. With its strong commitment to academic and cultural excellence, it is determined to forge ahead and explore new avenues of knowledge and progress. The Ravian motto “Courage to Know” embodies the sacred ideals and aspirations of this time-honoured institution.
- (Contributed by : Principal Government College, Lahore).
- Issued by The Director General, Pakistan Post Office Department, Islamabad.
Principal U.Karamt remain Principal ,of Goverment College, Ludhiana from 1942-1946,We are sure ,the hard grind of Mr.Karamt must have paid dividends at Govt. Ciollege lahore ,when he became Principal there. we are proud of him.
Our college remembers him ,when were celeberating 100 years of Govt. College, Ludhiana.Can you please send details and contacts of any of his kins,so that we can invite them to celebrations in Ludhiana-India 1920-2020,Celebrations which have begun will go full year.
Brij Bhushan Goyal, brijbgoyal@gmail.com 91-9417600666
[…] a reputed legal practice at Dharamsala. After completing middle school, he went to study in the Government College, Lahore, graduating in 1910. He enrolled in M.Sc. Chemistry, but switched to law following […]
[…] and was appointed Lecturer in the Oriental College, Lahore. After some time he went over to the Government College, Lahore. In 1905 he went to Europe on three years study leave, and studied at the Trinity College […]
[…] awarded scholarships in both the examinations. After clearing Intermediate examination he joined Government College, Lahore, where he was a student of Professor Arnold, a great literary figure of his time. He stood […]
[…] on 6th June, 1867 at Sialkot and graduating from Government College, Lahore in 1889, Baba Kharak Singh became the Grand Old Man of Punjab during the freedom struggle. […]
[…] was the culmination of the years of creativity that began from Gargi’s years of study at Government College Lahore. He completed his M.A. (English) and M.A. (Political Science) from FC College in Lahore. He […]
[…] Singh passed his graduation from Government College, Lahore where he was known to be an outstanding football player. Beant Singh was deeply moved to […]