Pakistan on Organization of the Islamic Conference
A commemorative postage stamp on the 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) :
Issued by Pakistan
Issued on Feb 9, 1990 (12 Rajab 1410 A.H.)
Issued for : To commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Organization the Islamic Conference (OIC), Pakistan Post Office is issuing a stamp of Re. 1/- denomination on 12 Rajab 1410 A.H. corresponding to February 9, 1990.
Designer : Adil Salahuddin
Type : Stamp, Postal Used
Denomination : Rs. 1/-
Colour : Multi Colour
Size of Stamp : 51 x 35 mm
Size of Print : 47 x 31 mm
Perforation : 13C
Paper : 102 gsm dual purpose coated PVA gum
Quantity : Four Million
Number of stamps in a sheet : 56 stamps (8 x 7 rows)
Process of Printing : Litho Offset
Printer : Pakistan Security Printing Corporation
About :
- The 20th Anniversary of the establishment of the Organization of Islamic Conference is being celebrated on 12th Rajab, 1410 A.H. corresponding to February 9, 1990. It was on 12th Rajab that the decision to set up the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) was taken, at the First Islamic Summit Conference held in Rabat in 1969.
- The Organization of the Islamic Conference was born out of the confection of the leaders assembled in Rabat in September 1969 in the wake of the arson committed against the Al Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem that their peoples, although located in different parts of the world, formed an indivisible Ummah and were determined to exert united efforts to defend their legitimate interests.
- The Charter of the OIC expresses the resolve of the Islamic States to “preserve Islamic spiritual, ethical, social and economic values”. It re-affirms their commitment to the U.N. Charter and fundamental human rights. The aims and objectives of the OIC have been defined, inter-alia, as the progress of Islamic States in the economic, social, cultural, scientific and other vital fields, coordination of efforts to liberate and safeguard the Islamic Holy Places, and contribution to the establishment of maintenance of international peace and security.
- The Islamic Conference today is an inter-governmental organization of 46 Islamic States representing over one billion Muslims. The Organization seeks to promote the united stance of the Islamic World on international issues of vital concern to the Muslim Ummah as well as the socio-economic progress and cultural renaissance of the Islamic Ummah. It serves as the Islamic people’s spokesman in world forums so as to ensure that their points of view on major issues of concern to them are authentically portrayed and effectively advocated.
- The 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of OIC is an occasion for fostering unity and brotherhood among the Muslims all over the world and dedication by Member States to the objectives and principles of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference. The Government and people of Pakistan reiterate their determination to make all possible endeavours for the promotion of the unity, solidarity and well being of the Islamic Ummah within the framework of the OIC.
- (Contributed by :– The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad).
- Issued by The Director General, Pakistan Post Office Department, Islamabad.