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India on Philately Day 2013

India on Philately Day 2013

A Miniature Sheet consisting of 1 no. of commemorative postage stamp on Mahatma Gandhi on postage stamps : Issued by India Issued on Oct 12, 2013 Issued for : Department of Posts reaffirms its commitment to the teachings and ideals of Mahatma Gandhi by issuing a Souvenir
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India on Philately Day 2012

India on Philately Day 2012

A Souvenir Sheet consisting of 1 no. of postage stamp on the Philately Day 2012 : Issued by India Issued on Oct 12, 2012 Issued for : Department of Posts is happy to commemorate ‘Philately’, the king of hobbies by issuing a Souvenir Sheet. Design : Department of
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