Minicoy Lighthouse
A commemorative postage stamp on the Centenary of Minicoy Island Lighthouse (Maliku), at Lakshadweep, India :
Issued by India
Issued on Feb 2, 1985
Issued for : The Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department is happy to issue a commemorative stamp on the occasion of the centenary celebrations of Minicoy Islands Lighthouse.
Type : Stamp, Mint Condition
Colour : Multi colour
Denomination : 100 Paise
Printed at : India Security Press
About :
- From time immemorial, lighthouses have been proudly playing their part as ‘Lamp Posts of the Ocean‘. The Pharos of Alexandria built in 3rd Century B.C., which was one of the earliest lighthouses, was admired as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. India has had a glorious maritime heritage and relics of lighthouse towers are also found near erstwhile ports in medieval India.
- The main function of a lighthouse is to guide ships while sailing in the high seas and also when approaching the coastline. Lighthouses also mark dangers such as submerged rocks, shoals and wrecks and thus play an important role in ensuring safety of life as well as navigation.
- Amongst the few major lighthouses in India built in the 19th Century and which are still in use today, the lighthouse at Minicoy Island (Lat. 08º 16′ N; Long. 73º 01.6′ E) in the Union Territory of Lakshadweep, which was established in 1885, stands as the foremost. By virtue of its strategic location in the Arabian Sea, this lighthouse renders vital navigational guidance to all ships plying in the international sea lanes from Aden to Colombo and Suez to Singapore and the Far East. The circular masonry tower, which is 47 metres high, is provided with a powerful revolving lens apparatus capable of giving an effective beam intensity of 100,000 candelas with a visibility range of 26 nautical miles. A powerful medium frequency Radio-beacon with an effective range of 400 km. has also been installed recently at this lighthouse in order to provide increased navigational guidance to mariners. Minicoy Island Lighthouse which has been acclaimed far and wide as an important navigational landmark amidst the high seas has been completed one hundred years of service to the mariners on 2.2.1985.
- The Department of Lighthouses and Lightships, Ministry of Shipping and Transport, Government of India, is responsible for the provision and maintenance of navigational aids all along the 6700 Kms. coastline of the country and there are 147 Lighthouses, 14 Radio-beacons, 12 Decca Navigator Chain Stations, 13 Fog Signals, 6 Racons, 12 Lightbuoys and 1 Light vessel at present.
- Text Courtesy : Director General of Lighthouses & Lightships.