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Brides of India 1980
December 30, 1980

Brides of India 1980

Complete Set of 4 nos of commemorative postage stamps on the Indian Brides in Traditional Costumes : Tamilnadu, Rajasthan, Kashmir and Bengal : Issued by India Issued on Dec 30, 1980 Issued for : Indian Posts & Telegraphs Department is happy to issue a set of four stamps on brides
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King Birendra’s 36th Birthday

King Birendra’s 36th Birthday

A commemorative postage stamp on the 36th Birth Anniversary of King Birendra : Issued by Nepal Issued on 14 Paush 2037, Corresponding to 28 Dec. 1980 Issued by : His Majesty’s Government Postal Services Department Nepal Philatelic Bureau Kathmandu Designer : M. N. Rana Type : Stamp, Postal Used Denomination : R.
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Postcard Service of Pakistan
December 27, 1980

Postcard Service of Pakistan

A commemorative postage stamp on the 100 Years of Postcard Service : Issued by Pakistan Issued on Dec 27, 1980 Issued for : To commemorate the 100 years of Postcard service, Pakistan Post Office is issuing one postage stamp of 40 Paisa denomination on the 27th
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M. A. Ansari

M. A. Ansari

A commemorative postage stamp on the Birth Centenary of Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari, president of All-India Muslim League (1920-21), president of Indian National Congress (1927-28) : Issued by India Issued on Dec 25, 1980 Issued for : Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department is privileged to issue a commemorative stamp
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Kolar Gold Fields
December 20, 1980

Kolar Gold Fields

A commemorative postage stamp on the Centenary of the Kolar Gold Fields (KGF), Karnataka : Issued by India Issued on Dec 20, 1980 Issued for : Indian Posts & Telegraphs Department is happy to commemorate the centenary of Kolar Gold Fields by issuing a postage
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Money Order Service in Pakistan

Money Order Service in Pakistan

A commemorative postage stamp on the 100 Years of Money Order Service : Issued by Pakistan Issued on Dec 20, 1980 Issued for : To commemorate the 100 years of Money Order Service, Pakistan Post Office is issuing one postage stamp of 40 Paisa denomination
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Dr. Emmanuel-Persillier Lachapelle
December 5, 1980

Dr. Emmanuel-Persillier Lachapelle

A commemorative postage stamp on Emmanuel Persillier–Lachapelle, founder of the Notre Dame Hospital (Hôpital Notre-Dame) in Montreal, Quebec : Issued by Canada Issued on Dec 5, 1980 Design : The portrait of Dr. Emmanuel-Persillier Lachapelle on this commemorative stamp was taken from a painting that hangs
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Dhyan Chand

Dhyan Chand

A commemorative postage stamp on the Death Anniversary of ‘the wizard of hockey‘ Dhyan Chand, an Indian field hockey player : Issued by India Issued on Dec 3, 1980 Issued for : Indian Posts & Telegraphs Department is privileged to issue a commemorative stamp in his honour.
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Japanese Diet
November 29, 1980

Japanese Diet

A commemorative postage stamp on the 90th Anniversary of the National Diet of Japan : Issued by Japan Issued on Nov 29, 1980 Issued for : A postage stamp was issued to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the opening of the Japanese Diet. The present Diet
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