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Indian Mount Everest Expedition 1965
August 15, 1965

Indian Mount Everest Expedition 1965

A commemorative postage stamp on the first successful ascent of Mt. Everest, by an all-Indian team, led by Avtar Singh Cheema : Issued by India Issued on Sunday, Aug 15, 1965 Issued for : As a tribute to the glorious success of the Indian Expedition to Mount Everest the
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India Defence Effort 1963
August 15, 1963

India Defence Effort 1963

Complete Set of 2 nos of special postage stamps on the Indian Defense Campaign : In Defence of Liberty : Issued by India Issued on Aug 15, 1963 (Thursday, Independence Day) Issued for : On the 16th anniversary of our Independence, the Indian Posts & Telegraphs
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Scientific Forestry in India
November 21, 1961

Scientific Forestry in India

A commemorative postage stamp on the Centenary of the Indian Scientific Forestry : Issued by India Issued on Nov 21, 1961 Issued for : The Posts and Telegraphs Department is glad to join in commemorating an event that focuses attention on a vital aspect of India‘s development. Design
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Nepalese Mountain Series
February 18, 1961

Nepalese Mountain Series

A set of three commemorative postage stamps on the Himalayan Mountain Peaks of Nepal : Machhapuchhre (in Annapurna Himalayas), Sagarmatha (Mount Everest) and Mansalu (Kutang) : Issued by Nepal Issued on 1960–61 Type : Stamps, Postal Used Denomination : 5, 10 and 40 Paisa Colour :
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