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 Fergusson College, Pune
January 2, 1985

Fergusson College, Pune

A commemorative postage stamp on the Centenary of the Fergusson College (FC), Poona, founded by Deccan Education Society in 1885 :

Deccan Education Society : Fergusson UniversityIssued by India

Issued on Jan 2, 1985

Issued for : Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department is happy to issue a Commemoration Postage Stamp to commemorate the centenary of the Fergusson College.

Description of Designs : The stamp shows the main building of the Fergusson College with landscape and has been designed by India Security Press, Nasik based on a painting by the artist and National academician Gopal Deuskar. The First Day Cover depicts portraits of Lokmanya Tilak, Agarkar, Chiplunkar and Madhavrao Namjoshi founders of the college, painted by Gopal Deuskar. The cancellation has been designed by Nenu Bagga.

Type : Stamp, Postal Used

Colour : Multicolour

Denomination : 100 Paise

Overall size : 4.06 x 2.73 cms.

Printing size : 3.71 x 2.38 cms.

Perforation : 13 x 13

Paper : Unwatermarked Gummed coated paper

Number printed : 15,00,000

Number per issue sheet : 40

Printing process : Photogravure

Printed at : India Security Press

About : 

  • The famous Deccan Education Society which is the parent body of several educational institutions spread over the landscape of Maharashtra founded the Fergusson College, a premier institution of liberal learning in India, in the year 1885. The Society itself was founded by the stalwarts of the Indian Freedom Movement – Lokmanya Tilak, Gopal Ganesh AgarkarVishnushashtri Chiplunlar and Madhavrao Namjoshi. The first two were also its distinguished teachers and Prof. Agarkar was its Principal (1892-95). It has been named after Sir James Fergusson K.C.M.G., C.I.E. Governor of Bombay who took keen interest in the development of the New English School as well as the Fergusson College and was the first patron of the Deccan Education Society. It was inaugurated on 2nd January, 1885 by William Wordsworth, the grandson of the great English poet. Hon. Gopal Krishna Gokhale and Maharshi Dhonde Keshav KarveBharat Ratna, have taught in this College, while Prof. V. S. ApteProf. Agarkar, Wrangler R. P. Paranjpye and Dr G. S. Mahajani have been its distinguished Principals. Gandhiji and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru have paid visits to the College and admired its work. Gandhiji paid a handsome tribute to the College at the time of its Golden Jubilee. He wrote in 1935: “Who can fail to be enthused over the noble record of service rendered by the D. E. Society and the Fergusson College to the cause of education?
  • The distinguished alumni of the College include Veer Savarkar, Acharya Kripalani, Ram Ganesh Gadkari, Shri Kakasaheb Kalelkar, Shri H. V. Pataskar, Shri N. V. Gadgil,  Shri B. Ramkrishna Rao, Acharya Atre, Shri B. S. Mardhekar and many others who have been at the helm of affairs in various walks of life.
  • The Fergusson College has a beautiful scenic campus of 50 acres with numerous imposing buildings of gothic architecture. The composition of the community of students and teachers in Fergusson College reflects its truly national character. It has also attracted scores of students from overseas.
  • The Fergusson College imparts instruction to nearly 3500 undergraduate and post-graduate students in natural Sciences, humanities and social sciences; it has very well-equipped laboratories, a library having a collection of over 2,00,000 books rare as well as modern; a unique botanical garden, spacious playgrounds, an ancient auditorium, the amphitheatre and a language laboratory for special training in Indian and European languages. The College provides residential accommodation to 390 students, 130 lady students and about 100 teachers and administrative staff.
  • Historically, the Fergusson College has stood for the development of integrated personality as the ultimate goal of educational experience, that it offers to its students. Hence the emphasis is on the formation of character and cultivation of right values and commitments. The College encourages student’s participation in audio-visual arts, literary activities, workshop assignments, inter-collegiate inter-university as well as the national and international sports, the N.C.C., the N.S.S. etc.
  • (Text courtesy Dr. V. M. Bachal)
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[…] the age of 17, Kaka Saheb passed his matriculation and joined Fergusson College at Poona from where he took B.A. Hons. Degree in Philosophy. About this time, he came in touch with […]

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[…] further widened his perspective. He obtained a degree in Law in 1926 at Poona where he studied in Fergusson College. His guiding principles as a lawyer were truth and justice and he believed that making money was […]


[…] in Sindhudurg – then Ratnagiri District of Konkan in Maharashtra. N.G. Goray studied in Fergusson college, Pune, where he graduated in 1929 and took his L.L.B. in 1935. As a young man he came under the […]

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[…] and a writer and thinker, Madhu Limaye was born on 1st May, 1992 at Pune. While still at Fergusson College, he joined the Congress Socialist Party and became secretary of the Pune CSP at the age of […]


[…] politician and an outstanding literary figure. Born on 10th January, 1896, he graduated from Fergusson College, Pune in 1918 and obtained a Degree in Law in 1920. He was deeply influenced by Lokmanya Bal […]


[…] Library of the Society was started in 1907 at Fergusson College at Pune which has been shifted to Chennai in 1950 and is now housed in the campus of the Ramanujan […]

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[…] 1933 he joined Deccan Education Society’s Fergusson College in Pune, where he taught mathematics for the next 12 […]

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[…] education. He became the Secretary of the Deccan Educational Society and the leading luminary of Fergusson College, Poona. But Gokhale, the patriot, was meant for a wider […]


[…] matriculated from Nasik and went to Poona where he joined the Fergusson College. There, he formed a group of students, who vowed themselves to a spartan way of life in the cause […]

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