World Convention on Reverence for All Life 1997
A commemorative postage stamp on the World Convention on Reverence for All Life, Pune :
Issued on Nov 23, 1997
Issued for : The Department of Posts is pleased to issue a commemorative postage stamp on the occasion of “World Convention on Reverence for all Life”.
Design : The stamp design is based on the logo of the Convention. It depicts the globe with the continents in green symbolizing the fecundity of nature, and its enormous bounty. The concept of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” is defined through images of various forms of life, superimposed on the landscape. The design is very simple but extremely effective in the message it tries to convey.
Type : Stamp, Mint Condition
Colour : Multi Colour
Denomination : 400 Paise
Overall size : 3.91 x 2.90 cms.
Printing size : 3.55 x 2.54 cms.
Perforation : 13 x 13
Paper : Indegenous un w/m Adhesive Gravure Coated Stamp Paper in sheets 50.8 x 53.5 cms.
Stamps Printing : 0.7 Million
Number per issue sheet :35
Printing Process : Photogravure
Printer : India Security Press, Nasik
About :
- The World Convention on “Reverence for all Life“, held at Pune, India from 22nd to 24th November, 1997, aims to commemorate and glorify the ancient Indian concept of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam‘ (all creation is one family). The Convention was decided to be held in the year India celebrates 50 years of independence, as a tribute to the nation.
- There is a growing conviction today that the maladies and tragedies of the world we live in can be remedied through a sustained effort in creating an awareness of “UNITY OF LIFE“. One eternal force alone manifests as the mineral, the plant, the bird/animal and the human. In developing due reverence for all life alone lies the secret of human joy and prosperity.
- The objective of the Convention is to rekindle the flame of compassion towards mother earth, the plant and animal kingdom, to create an awareness for an urgent need to harmonise human life with Universal environment, to promote vegetarianism, to launch a programme for cessation of cruelty to animals/birds and to formulate a charter of animal rights and man’s duties to the animal world.
- During the convention the themes discussed was based on the philosophical and spiritual aspects, vegetarianism and health, socio-economic aspects, vegetarianism and ecology, traditional myths and current beliefs and why Reverence for all Life.
- Text : Based on the material supplied by “World Convention on Reverence for All Life” Secretariat.
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