Family Planning Association of India 1999
A commemorative postage stamp on the 50th Anniversary of the Family Planning Association of India (FPA India)(1949-1999), national affiliate of International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) :
Issued on Dec 18, 1999
Design : The stamp and first day cover design are based on paintings by Vikram and Ankit, school children, depicting the child’s perception of what constitutes a happy family.
Credits :
Stamp : Vikram
FDC : Ankit
Cancellation : Alka Sharma
Type : Stamp, Mint Condition
Colour : Multi Colour
Denomination : 300 Paise
Overall size : 3.34 x 2.88 cms.
Printing size : 2.99 x 2.53 cms.
Perforation : 13 x 13
Paper : Imported un w/m Adhesive Gravure Coated Stamp Paper in Sheets 50.8 x 53.5 cms.
Stamps Printed : 1 Million
Number per issue sheet : 42
Printing Process : Photogravure
Printer : India Security Press, Nashik
About :
- India is the largest functioning democracy in the world with the second largest population. On 2.4 percent of the world’s land area she supports 16 percent of its population. The population is increasing by about 17 million every year. Recognising that the planning of families would enhance individual health and welfare, the Government of India was the first in the world to initiate a comprehensive Family Planning Programme in 1951. In keeping with democratic traditions of the country, its education, health and family welfare programme, promote the concept of the small family, responsible and planned parenthood.
- At the time of India’s Independence, there were but few health facilities serving the rural poor. The past five decades have witnessed significant investments in developing a network of health centres all over India. Through this vast infrastructure of sub-centres, primary health centres and community health centres, the government has been playing the role of a facilitator by providing family planning services for the people to plan their families.
- In recognition of the strong support lent to the efforts of the Government by various individuals and organisations, the Department of Posts issues this commemorative stamp to acknowledge the yeoman service undertaken by the Family Planning Association of India (FPAI), a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO). Today, the FPAI as it is popularly known, has 39 Branches, 20 Projects and 3 Area Projects spread across the length and breadth of the country.
- Ever since its establishment, FPAI had been in touch with similar organisations in Europe and America. In 1952, it organised the Third International Conference of Planned Parenthood in India at Mumbai. At this conference, the International Planned Parenthood Federation took shape with Hong Kong, Singapore, West Germany, UK, USA, Sweden, Holland and India as the founder members. The Mumbai Conference was a landmark in stressing the need to regulate the rapid growth of population for promoting national well-being and progress through voluntary Family Planning.
- As a leading national family planning NGO supporting the Government programme, FPAI has over the years created awareness of Population, Reproductive and Sexual Health, Youth Concerns, and Women’s Empowerment so as to widen its support and strengthen its base within the country. FPAI plays a catalytic role by mobilising other NGOs and assisting them in making Family Planning an integral part of their work. The recent formation of the national network of NGOs numbering over 2000 is carrying forward this activity. Recently, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has introduced a new Reproductive and Child Health Programme, following on its Child Survival and Safe Motherhood Programme and the target-free approach, and the paradigm shift generated by the International Conference and Population and Development in Cairo in 1994. FPAI too has responded enthusiastically to Reproductive Health needs providing the entire gamut of health services required in individual’s life cycle. It maintains high Quality of Service and has strengthened its Reproductive Health Service Delivery to make it more user-responsive. FPAI’s network of 189 clinics and mobile service units provide a range of high quality contraceptive services, including services for men.
- The ultimate objective of all activities undertaken by the Association is to help improve the quality life of all people.
- Text : Based on India 1998 (Publications Division, Government of India) and material furnished by sponsors.
Required for 23 mar 1988 news papers